Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Xbox 360 Red Lights Fix Made EASY - Your 1 Hour Xbox 360 Red Lights Fix Guide

By Anthony Uccello

This is an Xbox 360 red lights fix article and it will show you the:

-the cause of Xbox 360 red lights

-what Xbox 360 red light fix will NOT work

-how to perform a safe and permanent Xbox 360 red light fix

The cause of Xbox 360 red lights

Heat! The cause of Xbox 360 red lights is heat!

As the motherboard heats up, it begins to flex. This flexing action causes a loosening of the GPU (graphics processing unit). Once the GPU comes loose, your Xbox 360 freezes and you have the red ring of death.

What Xbox 360 red light fix will NOT work

There is a rumor on the internet. This rumor says you can fix Xbox 360 red light errors by wrapping your system in a towel (while it's on). It is supposed to overheat your system.

To be fair, this technique works...for a little while. Each time you do it however your system will get worse and worse, and you make turn a temporary problem into a permanent one. Know this: 94% of the Xbox 360s with the red ring of death don't need new parts --- they just need a little tweak to get them up and running.

If you use heat on your system inappropriately (i.e. by wrapping your system in a towel) you risk permanent damage!

How to perform a safe and permanent Xbox 360 red lights fix

Yes, it is extremely frustrating to have red light errors. Your system freezes at the worst times, and you can't enjoy your games!

This Xbox 360 red lights fix is permanent and safe, but it is HIGHLY suggested that you get a professional Xbox 360 repair guide as it will have videos. Step by step videos will make the following process a lot easier.

The materials you will need are: screw drivers, arctic silver thermal compound (found at any computer store for only $1 or so), rubbing alcohol, and some nylon washers.

Here is how you do a permanent Xbox 360 red lights fix:

1. Take off the faceplate and cover

2. Remove the motherboard

3. Unscrew the X-clamp, add 2 nylon washers to the screws, put the screws back

4. Unscrew the heat sink and add 2 nylon washers under each hole. Also, put 2 nylon washers on the screws and screw the heat sink back on

5. Clean the GPU and CPU with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip (till it shines)

6. Apply arctic thermal compound over the CPU and GPU

7. Apply heat to the CPU and GPU for 30 seconds

8. Power it on and wait 15 minutes then power it off

9. Put it back together

After that you have permanently fixed your red light errors and your system will stop freezing on. In the extremely off chance it ever happens again, just repeat this process (and add a washer or 2).

Now you know the cause of the Xbox 360 red ring of death and you know how to fix it. You should check out a professional Xbox 360 repair guide as it will walk you through the whole process step by step.

The best thing about an at home Xbox 360 red lights fix is that you save about $100 and you can get it done in an hour or less (once you have the tools and arctic silver thermal compound).

Don't be held prisoner by Xbox 360 red lights anymore! Get back to care free gaming! Best of luck with your Xbox 360 red lights fix!

Here is your EASY step by step Xbox 360 repair guide so you can permanently fix your Xbox 360 red light errors! []Click here to get back to gaming today, and fix your red lights problem once and for all. Don't pay a $140 repair bill and wait months to get it back---don't let your Xbox live membership go to waste!

Home repairs are safe and easy, and this guide is going to show you everything you need to do to, step by step, to fix red lights. Get back to "freezing-free" gaming today! []Click here to gain access to your EASY Xbox 360 repair guide that will help you get your Xbox 360 up and running in under 1 hour---GUARANTEED. Remember: 94% of red light error Xbox 360s don't need new parts! []Click here to gain access to the only Xbox 360 repair guide you will ever need to get your system up and running today!

Anthony is an avid gamer and bought his Xbox 360 the day it launched. Sadly his Xbox 360 needed repairs.


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