Monday, July 5, 2010

E74 Repair For Xbox360 - Avoid and Fix These Common Errors

byJonathan Palmieri
In order to understand what has happened to your console and what steps you need to take to repair it, you must first understand exactly what these errors mean. The ring of death refers to the 3 red lights that flash around in a circle on the power button of your console. When this happens you are in trouble because you will not be able to play your Xbox360 or even access the dashboard. The main reason for these errors is that your system has overheated due to improper ventilation and fan exhaust. If you do not properly vent your Xbox 360, heat will build up very quickly inside of the case. This will eventually lead to malfunctions and damage to the system. Signs of this are freezing, lock ups, ring of death, and E74.
There are simple steps you can take to avoid these errors from occurring. The main way to avoid errors is to put your Xbox 360 in a place that will allow for good ventilation and cooling. Make sure there is room around the system so that it can have moving air to help it cool. Do not place your console in direct sunlight as this will also heat up the system enough to cause problems. There are cooling vents for the fans on all sides of the console. Because of this, you should not stack devices on top of each other or put games on top of the Xbox360.
If you have already experienced these errors there are many options available to you to get your console fixed. However, do not be fooled by scams and quick fixes such as the infamous paper towel method. Doing this will cause permanent damage to your console and you will have no choice but to buy a whole new system.
If you want to get back to gaming as quick as possible there is a repair guide that will help you do this in as little as 45 minutes! The repair guide that I recommend is the rel=nofollow []3redlightfix. This repair guide is Microsoft approved and will repair all errors including E74, 3 red lights (ring of death), freezing, graphic glitches, and 2 red lights. The simple to follow videos and instructions make it easy for anyone to do. With purchase you will instantly receive these tutorials along with a PDF guide with pictures and instant access to membership area for full online support 24 hours a day. The best part is, if you are for some reason not satisfied, they offer a full money back guarantee with no questions asked.
So get back to gaming! If these errors haven't happened to you, follow the tips I have provided so that you do not have to go through it!
Jonathan is an avid video game player who has done a lot of research on the common Xbox 360 errors. He has found the best repair guide and writes about how to fix these errors and also how to avoid them on his site at []
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How to Backup and Play Xbox360 Games Without a Mod Chip

Jack Hoffmann
Backing up your Xbox 360 games can be a big struggle, if you don't use a little-known technique to make your copied games playable on your console, without a mod chip. Because of a few inconsiderate people, who have taken it upon themselves to try and illegally copy 360 games, Microsoft have introduced a lot of measures to prevent the duplication of their game discs. However, if you want to play your games without them getting damaged, here's a way to play copied Xbox 360 games without a mod chip:
The problem with Xbox 360 games is that since the console is so popular, Microsoft were losing millions in game sales because people were just copying their games. This lead Microsoft to add a lot of different copy-protection measures to their discs, making it extremely difficult to copy and play these games without voiding the warranty and getting a mod-chip. However, there is a way to do it.
Microsoft protect their games with something called "Security sectors". These are parts of the DVD which store all sorts of information about the game and - more importantly - are present to tell your Xbox that the game is legitimate and legal. These "sectors" are invisible to most game copying tools, which means that if you copy an Xbox360 game the "wrong" way, your Xbox will not be able to recognize the security sectors on your copied CD, and will refuse to play the game.
This is a big problem, because if you want to protect your game from scratches, you are left with very few options. However, you can make legitimate backups and play them on your current Xbox360 console without the need to void your warranty and get a mod chip. You just need to be able to copy your games perfectly - using software or techniques which allow you to copy the copyright protection sectors on the DVD... and these tools are so rare that they are seen as the "holy grail" of the backup & copying communities. However, we've found a tool which does just that...
You can actually []copy Xbox360 games very easily with a tool called []GameBackupSystem". This tool has been created by an anonymous team, but we were able to backup and play 20+ Xbox360 games with it. It copies your game discs perfectly, including the copyright protection sectors. This means that you can copy as many games as you want with the system, and then play them on your console without a mod chip.
Article Source: ezine articles.